Gallery B.I. claims for graphic art and poster design. 

Therefore, it operates based on three contents. First, BI International Poster Art Biennale and

general planned exhibition, the second, special theme exhibition, and the third, new artist exhibition.

Regular Exhibition


The B.I International Poster Art Biennale brings the focus on art posters which attract

greater attention from the public, causuing greater empathy and inviting deeper

involvement among other viewers. Posters can be submited in any of the following 

ategories: culture, stage, public affairs, society and commerce.

However, they must involve artistic experimentation  and inventiveness.

Special Exhibition

Hold a special poster them exhibition

Special poster exhibitions are held in the year when the poster biennale is not held. 

Discovering the themes that satisfy the interest and hope of everyone, it continues theme poster 

exhibitions which expand the expectations and values of graphic art and the development of

poster design of the same era through constant participation and exchange of artists.

New Artist Exhibition

Hold an exhibition of established

graphic designers and emerging

graphic designers

By holding exhibitions of active mainstay graphic designers and new designers, providing

opportunities for development, and providing opportunities for future young designers through

exhibitions, it provides the role of a gateway to success.

Corporate Name  Meta Community Group 

CEO Byoung-il Sun

Business Registration No 309-15-61820(Meta Community Group)

Tel +82.10.5276.5312

E-mail admin@gallerybi.com

Address #215, #216, 686, Cheonggyesan-ro, Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea(13105)
Copyrightⓒ 2021gallery BI All rights reserved. 

Telecommunication business report number  2021- Seongnam Sujeong - 0690